Today I start wearing socks again.


Depending on the year and the strength of the spring sun, I stop wearing socks sometime in May. The length of my pants may still be long and as the days lengthen the hem level rises 🙂 Even when we revert back to cool and chilly days (happens every year, usually in June) I persevere and remain sock free *

Yesterday the temperature plummeted back below the low teens and now autumn winds are howling and whistling outside my window. It’s time to drop the hem and cover my tootsies…
Ah, well it was fun while it lasted. Now it’s time to bring out the gumboots, raincoats, gloves and scarves. Autumn has arrived!

* this includes any sort of fabric covering over the toes and ankles – stockings are banished also.

2 thoughts on “Six Word Saturday: 8.9.2012

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  1. Oh nooos sock season has arrived! Sometimes I have fun with socks and buy really fun pairs. I also have my gym socks, which are totally different from my other socks and even have their own drawer, lol.


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