Blogging from school!

Today I'm sitting in room 302 at Helmi-Liiketalousopisto taking part in a blogging class. So far I am a little ahead of my classmates, if only for the fact  that I already have a WordPress account and an active blog. My neighbour just asked why I am here, to which I answered that I am... Continue Reading →

Ajatellen suomi. Luen suomi. Puhun suomi. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Translated it means (I) Think Finnish, (I) Read Finnish, (I) Speak Finnish. This week I let myself down by not speaking Finnish. It was a small group presentation to the rest of the class. We'd been planning everything in Finnish, so it wasn't that I didn't know what we... Continue Reading →

Absolutely! We made the right decision. This refers to my Decisions, Decisions post I wrote towards the end of last year. We were faced with some choices that we had to evaluate and would impact family life for the next few years. When the results were in, the parents were very happy, Mr. 13 was... Continue Reading →

Last lesson of the week

Taken while I was waiting to make a big announcement to Mr. 12's class. What big shoes they have! (I'm posting from my phone and haven't quite worked out all the editing commands, so if it looks odd... well I'll get to it when I get to it!)

Decisions, Decísions Part II

Today is brought you to by The Rolling Stones and You Can't Always Get What You Want... Just before Christmas last year I wrote about our big decision. Today at midday, it all came together. Each school applied to, and tested for; posted the list of accepted applicants on their front door. Physically, in list format,... Continue Reading →

The year that was (2011 in review)

The new year rapidly approaches. We have fireworks (and safety glasses) ready. We travel west this year to see the new year in with old friends. The menu is planned, the drinks have been organised. Snow would be nice. A little would go a very long way. The forecast is not promising. I may or may not post between today... Continue Reading →

Decisions, Decisions

Mr. 12 heads to upper primary school next autumn. * Yesterday the guide-book for the Helsinki school district came home, along with a second guide-book for grade 6 students. Now we have to work out from the myriad of options, which school?! First some language background. Mr. 12 is bi-lingual. We operate the one parent... Continue Reading →

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