Observations (ramblings) about life

This first part follows from my post about volunteering, I need also to say no to so many other things. My inbox is full to overflowing. The magazine rack is groaning under the weight of all that paper. My new-business project folders are bursting at the seams. The laundry basket never empties. Wait long enough... Continue Reading →

Once a volunteer…

... always a volunteer. It's true. I come from a long line of volunteers. My parents were active community members: participating in such associations as the CWA*, Rural Fire Brigade, School P&F**, Girl Guides to name just a few. It is little wonder then that my siblings and I have followed in their footsteps. The... Continue Reading →

To tip or not to tip

I don't think there is a subject that is more likely to cause confusion amongst the travelling public than this. First let me introduce you to The Hook. I discovered him... through someone elses blog roll (for the life me I can't remember ... possibly via mj monaghan or maybe ... ah can't remember). Anyway, his... Continue Reading →

Election blues

The election is over, the results are tallied and we have a new president. The people have spoken loudly and clearly. I won't go too much into the numbers although voter turnout for round two was considerably lower than the first round. 68.8% voted, and even though we were experiencing some particularly chilly weather over... Continue Reading →


It has to be done every now and again. Today saw me add in some new widgets on the side-bar - thanks to Judith for the ideas! Also I tried to set up a proper feed to my reader. I have to thank Mike for the hints to do this - he posted ages ago about... Continue Reading →

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