One day short of three weeks. My return to blogging has (so far) maintained its momentum 😜 - now to see how long the streak can continue for...

Just for your information, this blog is not a commercial enterprise. I receive no income from the posts, nobody pays me for the posts (or the pictures, or the opinions 😉 )

New Year. New Theme.

Why not?! I'm feeling a general dissatisfaction with the blog, how it looks, what it says etc. etc. So bear with me while I go through the process of finding a new theme that will assist in my efforts to get back on track and reinvigorate the blog 😀 Things I can share with you... Continue Reading →

Weekly Photo Challenge: Rise/Set

With a title like that it could be all about bread or jelly ... but no! it's the sun we are talking about this week. Check out all the beautiful sunrises and sunsets from around the world and then compare to my subdued offering from last week... It's a race now between myself and the... Continue Reading →

It's just not winter without snow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Even worse - it's above zero and so everything is muddy... dog walks mean showers afterwards (for everybody!). And there is a nice crowd gathering over at Travel With Intent 😉

Just two words today: Boat Show! ⛵️🛥🚤⛴🛳⚓️🗺 THE Boat Show! Its's huge, and quite easily the highlight of The Engineer's winter. He always buys his DIY service supplies at the show (they do good discounts) and then moves on to equipment upgrades. Suffice to say - our boat is quite up to date when in... Continue Reading →

I'm told it was the bear. My worst fear - the bear went feral and attacked the dog... organ transplant has so far been unsuccessful and the dog hangs on by a thread...

Chance encounters emphasize old friends importance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Engineer and I were enjoying a late lunch today when two friends that I haven't seen or spoken to in ages arrived in the same restaurant. It reminded me that over the last 12 months I've been remiss at taking care of friendships, both new and old.... Continue Reading →

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