Is there an easy exit from social media? Whilst I have stopped using Facebook entirely, I haven't deleted my profile. Why not? I hear you ask. Well, for starters, my profile is linked to my business page. I'm not ready to delete that just yet, either. Then there is Twitter, which I really enjoy using.... Continue Reading →

Nothing like a countdown…

The new business website launch date draws nearer and nearer. Now we have a date and a time. In honour of this momentous step I've added a countdown widget over there <--- to keep track. There's a new twitter handle floating around (@heatherhelsinki) and coming sometime in new future will be a Facebook page to... Continue Reading →

My internet presence

or am I spreading myself too thin? Or worse still, repeating myself and boring the pants off everybody?! Is this every bloggers nightmare? Or typical newbie blogger paranoia? Is it possible to have too many pies on the go? I have to ask this, as I've seen some twitter accounts incessantly tweeting the most ridiculous and inane... Continue Reading →

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