I originally planned to make an audio post for today. Then I realised that a) I don't know how to do that and b) I'm not sure what to share. I've been toying with the idea of having a particular post / type of post for each day of the week. So far I have... Continue Reading →

Mobile blogging

Whilst cleaning out my personal e-mail account this morning, I stumbled across a message imploring me to check out the new and improved "WordPress for Android". So I downloaded it and it's already passed an unofficial test. I left a comment on a blog post earlier this morning and when Andy answered me, first came a little... Continue Reading →

Caught at the right moment

There has been an abundance of birch pollen this spring. Our balcony has a fine layer of pale yellow covering everything, including this new arrival. Looking upwards it's almost invisible, only when I stood up and looked down into the neighbour's lawn did I spot the web.

Sunday lunch by the sea

The Engineer and I, along with our hosts K & M, enjoyed a lovely lunch of freshly caught* and smoked siika and sparkling white wine yesterday. We joined our hosts at their mökki by the beach, and watched M get the smoker going. In the meantime The Engineer took up the axe and chipped a... Continue Reading →

Tuliaiset *

The Engineer has returned bearing gifts (and dirty laundry). English newspapers, foodie magazines and Harrods goodies. My weekend is complete! Enjoy your Sunday 🙂 * Tuliaiset are gifts either when you visit someone (hostess gift) or returning from a trip.

Decisions, Decisions

Mr. 12 heads to upper primary school next autumn. * Yesterday the guide-book for the Helsinki school district came home, along with a second guide-book for grade 6 students. Now we have to work out from the myriad of options, which school?! First some language background. Mr. 12 is bi-lingual. We operate the one parent... Continue Reading →

Christmas Decorations

Despite living in Father Christmas's homeland, my decorating efforts are generally minimalistic and A timeless floral decoration (amarylis) and a modern twist for a glass tree ornament (I hang mine from the curtain rail with red & white twine). This year we'll spend a few days with anoppi (MIL) and enjoy her tree. Mr 12.... Continue Reading →

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