Time flies :)

Wow! I've been blogging for 6 years already. Although to be honest, the last two years have been less about blogging and more about stalking 🙂 So for now, here are my Christmas greetings. Both Finnish & English. The observant readers might notice the somewhat bizarre # character thrown in where there should be a... Continue Reading →

Hyvää Joulua. God Jul. Merry Christmas. Christmas in Finland is celebrated on the 24th and I'm sticking with tradition. See you after Christmas 🙂 You probably won't hear much from me over the next few days...  although if you are having a party I'll try and drop by at some stage 🙂

Boxing Day update

Coffee with my girlfriend was great! So much to say and so little time. The good things that came out of our catch up was that now we have up-to-date numbers and email addresses. We have that rare friendship that endures time and distance so that it is like we have never been apart. The... Continue Reading →

Bah humbug. It’s Christmas

Now, let me explain. It's not as though my childhood Christmases were terrible. On the contrary, we had the best Christmas celebrations. When I was quite small it followed a regular pattern: a tree from either our own property or a neighbours forest; opening the presents that Santa had so thoughtfully deposited under tree. Breakfast, church... Continue Reading →

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