Just for one day

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXgkuM2NhYI What is a super power I'd love to have? Tough question for the beginning of the week! What ever I choose though, it will be just for one day. Having a super power all the time would be exhausting. At first I decided on the power of giving everyone a healthy dose of common... Continue Reading →

Oops, I did it again

What is a life lesson you feel everyone can benefit from learning? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CduA0TULnow From a master of making mistakes Today's prompt wants me to share with you a life lesson that everyone would benefit from learning. As I've been on the planet for more than half a century, I think I'm qualified enough to say... Continue Reading →

It’s just a perfect day!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYEC4TZsy-Y Ah, Lou Reed singing one of my all time favourite songs. This one I want to be played at my funeral ❤ What does your ideal day look like? Before I get started, let's just clarify one thing. A perfect day is not the same as an ideal day. A perfect day, despite what... Continue Reading →

Out of the comfort zone we step…

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NByBW3tId0I This has aged well! My daily theme tune is about being in the comfort zone, now for Bloganuary I'm going to write about stepping out ... three examples coming up. Not necessarily in order of importance (discomfort?). Speaking Finnish Let me clarify: speaking Finnish on the phone. Face to face is not a problem... Continue Reading →

The long way (home)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPRrHyXchEY A timeless classic that never fails to evoke a tinge of melancholy. Today's Bloganaury challenge is to share a road trip I'd love to take. This is an easy one to write about, it's a trip I've taken many times before. In these testing COVID times though,, it's an unknown as to when I'll... Continue Reading →

It’s back!

What is back? I hear you ask. The daily theme tune is back! * Without any further fuss: Blinded by the light / Manfred Mann http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcWVL4B-4pI Why? Sunshine, clear skies and white white snow 🙂 *In coming days I'll share the origins of the daily theme tune - it's late, I'm tired and the search... Continue Reading →

For many years I went through the motions of making new years resolutions. I would resolve to stop doing all sorts of things. Never once did I resolve to start doing better things. No, I just decided that it was better to stop. I won't bore you with my list of resolutions, just think of any... Continue Reading →

Are you a Cardigans fan? I am. It's a fitting title for todays post. Although there will be no erasing, there definitely will be some rewinding going on over the next few weeks. Of course once the title popped into my head I had to go and find a clip to share. I used to... Continue Reading →

Blogging from school!

Today I'm sitting in room 302 at Helmi-Liiketalousopisto taking part in a blogging class. So far I am a little ahead of my classmates, if only for the fact  that I already have a WordPress account and an active blog. My neighbour just asked why I am here, to which I answered that I am... Continue Reading →

When does the expat stop being an expat?

This is the ONLY song that I could even consider using as the theme tune of the day. A very young Sting and Englishman In New York. This 'legal alien' business has been on my mind quite a bit lately for a whole heap of different reasons. It is a little bit more serious than... Continue Reading →

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