How I wish I could … Bambi and I share a lot in common! ... skate. Not just any skating, ice skating! There are plenty of memes floating around the internet showing graceful skaters to one side and then the sad reality on the other side (fallen, falling, holding on for dear life to other people, the wall, etc etc).... Continue Reading →

Well hello 2018 & hello snow (again!)

We awoke to this! The last hours of 2017 were not typical celebrations in this house. Some idiot let off fireworks early* on Saturday night and spooked poor Noa (and me a little, if truth be told). As the night wore he retreated to a cool dark corner. Perry joined him just before midnight also.... Continue Reading →

Yes! Presidential election papers have arrived. Along with all the pre-polling places, dates and times.... Round one will be Sunday January 28th and if it's too close to call (like last time) then we'll go to round two on Sunday 11th February. All of the major parties are represented as well as a seasoned politician... Continue Reading →

Your time starts now!

'Unlock the mind' the challenge says. Type or write for 20 minutes. So far 15 minutes have passed by and this is as far as I've got. I think I need to start the clock again... I know I don't have to post this, it's just that it always feels so wasteful to keep stuff... Continue Reading →

Back to basics.

Or catching up with the first 4 days of the zero to hero challenge. Regular visitors here may have noticed my blogging action has been very thin on the ground lately. My mojo fizzled out and no matter how much I tried, it just wasn't to be found. (You should the drafts folder - full... Continue Reading →

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