On my bedside table


It’s not often I read a book that makes me want to go back in time. This one did. After reading this, I would have liked to have seen the last days of Ceausescu’s regime. Highly recommended.

4 thoughts on “On my bedside table

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  1. Thanks, maybe I’ll check it out. I enjoy reading history, even recent history.
    I’m remember a Saturday Night Live gag after the regime overthrow – Dennis Miller saying the leader had been turned into Puppy Ceausescu


    1. I went looking for this, unfortunately the closest I could find was chat boards talking about ‘when Dennis Miller was funny’…


  2. That is a great recommendation — I know that type of reading experience, and I love it! I’ll see if I can get it at the library. I hope you’re well and coming into the new year with everything in line for a great time! I’ll write soon. 😎


  3. Hi Judith! Very impressive read for a first novel. The next book is a totally different ride… maybe I’ll be ready next week with a quick review 😉


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