Let’s get postal!

Note, I DID NOT say "let's go postal". I have a long and satisfying relationship with all things postal and philatelic 🙂 I miss getting mail, especially hand written notes and postcards. My bills arrive as a PDF attached to email or worse: direct to the bank in some electronic form that only sender and... Continue Reading →

When does the expat stop being an expat?

This is the ONLY song that I could even consider using as the theme tune of the day. A very young Sting and Englishman In New York. This 'legal alien' business has been on my mind quite a bit lately for a whole heap of different reasons. It is a little bit more serious than... Continue Reading →

Where is Venus?

I've started to write this at 06:53, standing at the bus stop waiting for the # 59. The sky to the east is lightening, although it will be a good 45 minutes before it's light enough to read by. I thought I saw Venus. Turns out it was an incoming flight to Helsinki ;). It... Continue Reading →

Back to school

Huh! A big panic for ABSOLUTELY no reason. Please consider this an official thank you to your like and comments to my six word Saturday of August 4. I'll try to get back to them individually in the future. Yesterday I rolled up for official registration and managed to slightly confound the staff by producing... Continue Reading →

Thank you… 13 years later

Today's music is proudly sung by Stockholm's Gay Choir and What shall we do with a drunken sailor? I had occasion to sing this last Saturday night, along with 150 ship building professional and partners. The occasion was the 65th anniversary of LRK (Laivanrakentajain kerho) or Shipbuilders club. These men and women have all studied... Continue Reading →

Flowerpot Rock

This little snapshot is of something very near and dear to me. The area we lived drew it's name from this rock and when I was older people were always intrigued to hear that I came from a place called Flowerpot. At school I copped endless Bill and Ben jokes. (Hand's up if you remember Bill... Continue Reading →

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