Well hello 2018 & hello snow (again!)

We awoke to this! The last hours of 2017 were not typical celebrations in this house. Some idiot let off fireworks early* on Saturday night and spooked poor Noa (and me a little, if truth be told). As the night wore he retreated to a cool dark corner. Perry joined him just before midnight also.... Continue Reading →

The calendar tells me that tomorrow is Wednesday. My brain is telling me that tomorrow is Monday. Anybody else suffering from this calendar confusion?

Mobile blogging

Whilst cleaning out my personal e-mail account this morning, I stumbled across a message imploring me to check out the new and improved "WordPress for Android". So I downloaded it and it's already passed an unofficial test. I left a comment on a blog post earlier this morning and when Andy answered me, first came a little... Continue Reading →

It started with dance practice before Christmas. Built up to a tuxedo fitting in the new year, followed by an invite from the school. The final touches were a new pair of dress shoes, collecting the suit and coordinating proud parents to be at the dance hall at the right time. Presenting wanhojentanssit! Mr. 17 is... Continue Reading →

Monday mutterings # 04

More specifically - diet labels. I lost a bet whilst we were on holidays and the price I paid was cooking a week of vegan dinners. I've managed to surprise myself and am now embracing eating less meat. My recipe bank is filling with new recipes - it's so much more fun than following the same old... Continue Reading →

Night photography is not something I've mastered yet, so please take my word for it when I say that we are enjoying cloudless skies night and day here. Sunshine and snow make great partners and put a little zip into your step. For some this in an upside 🙂 others are not so excited. For... Continue Reading →

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