Homework… of the best type


They tasted as good as they look! Mr. 13 had to recreate his home economics lesson from last week. I’ve happily signed the task completed paper. Even better, he’s promised to make them again. This could become a regular thing.

(This is the first time I’ve used the write a post option from the from page – not sure I like it as I can’t see where to add categories and there is no preview button – I’ll go back to using the dashboard I think)

6 thoughts on “Homework… of the best type

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    1. For fast posting it was quite good – most of mine posts usually stay in draft mode for a day or two. Silly as it sounds, I like to be able to categorise, helps people find me sometimes (like the person who found me via the search line ‘can you get rieska in Tasmania?) and what’s with no preview option, my blogging process includes at least two or three previews before the post goes up!


    1. I’m hoping that time is still a little way off 😉 He’s been keen in the kitchen for a long time, something I’m very grateful for.

      In my book, the other key skill would be ironing a shirt! There’s still a bit of time to get that one under control.


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